The meeting took place betwenn 3rd and 4th October at the Campus of Jacarezinho in order to integrate the university community and to get infromed about the institutional programs developed by UENP. The III. Integration Meeting unites traditional events such as the VII. Scientific Initiation Journey of UENP (JOIC – Jornada de Iniciação Científica), the III. Seminar of Extension and Culture of UENP (SEC - Seminário de Extensão e Cultura), the III. Internationalization Meeting and I. Seminar of Educatio of UENP. This way the meeting counted 470 registered participants, 450 workshop registrations, 222 scientific initiations, 64 extensions, 50 works of…
On Friday (14/09) João Carlos Gomes , the secretary of Sciences, Technology and Higher Education, received the coordinators of the program ’Paraná Speaks English (PFI) – Paraná Fala Inglês, linked to the program ’Paraná Speaks Languages’. The goal was to evaluate the development of the project and discuss future actions. The state’s government invested approximately 3 million Brazilian reais in the program. The secretary tries to increase the interest to keep the program in continuity. „We need to fortify the program, in that we gain the confidence of the university community, start language courses to internationalize universities, increase the quality…
The Governor Beto Richa met the Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie of Quebec, Christine St-Pierre this Thursday (24) in Montreal, Canada. Richa ratified the agreement of cooperation with the province. The proposal seeks a partnership in audiovisual area and French teaching in Paraná. The Consul-General of Brazil, Ambassador Rubens Gama accompanied the meeting. The focus is on the program ’Paraná Speaks Languages’, established in seven state universities to support internationalization in higher education institutions. „It is an essential development for the whole academic sphere, helping professors, students and trainers likewise”, says Richa. The program started in 2014 and…
Last week, Prof. Vanessa Civila of the National University of Jujuy visited the Campus of UENP. On 17th and 18th August, the professor participated in lectures, meetings, discussions with students and professors of the university. CRI’s coordinator accompanied the visit, which was financed by Zicosur University Network (Integration Zone of Southwest and Central America – Zona de Integracion del Centro Oeste Sudamericano). Prof. Eliane Segati Rios Registro, the coordinator of CRI expressed how important this visit has been as all the university members could get into touch with the professor from Argentina. It has been also a cultural and linguistic…
The Technical Camara (CT) of Internationalization and Mobility of Abruem organized a meeting for the Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities and the British Council, being the British Council of Brazil, with its seat in São Paulo. The president of Abruem, Rector Aldo Nelson Bona (Unicentro – Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste); the president of CT, Rector Haroldo Reimer (UEG – Universidade Estadual de Goiás), Prof. Eliane Segati (UENP), also member of the CT of Internationalization of Abruem; and Martin Dowle and Diana Daste, respective Director of the British Council in Brazil and Senior Manager of Higher Education…
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