ZICOSUR University group is composed by Universitites from Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, beyond Brazil. This Group was founded with the purpose of complementing and potentiating the university cooperation process from The Integration Zone of Southwest and Central America, in order to promote greater insertion in the international context and encourage the economic and social development in the region. Thus, education and culture develop an important role in the integration processes, since they constitute the ideal instruments to generate a common or shared identity, achieved through the mutual knowledge and respect for diversity. At the same time, education is a propulsive mechanism of the harmonious and equitable of people, giving to these processes a future direction by the formation of the political awareness, important knowledge production and human resources formation.
General aim:
To strengthen the integration process of ZICOSUR through knowledge promotion, university exchange and academic cooperation from the ZICOSUR’s regions.
Specific aims:
- To build an information platform about postgraduate offer from the universities in the region, as well as academic researches achieved by these higher education houses and the signed agreements among them;
- To analyze the information obtained in order to improve and coordinate the courses offer in postgraduate in the Region;
- To generate postgraduate courses in regional level in recognized areas which promote the development;
- To rescue the role of the universities as intermediate institutions between government and their population;
- To facilitate the graduation and postgraduate students exchange;
- To promote the professors’ mobility;
- To promote Zicosur scholarships;
- To generate a shared identity through the different culture knowledge;
- To create a reflection space about the importance of education in the integration processes;
- To promote a joint research projects development among the region universities;
- To promote the regional validation about higher education certificates, generating the necessary legal framework for this.
More information: https://zicosuruniversitario.com/
Access the Universities which integrate Zicosur Network here.