Fundamental objectives:

The CAINTER has as fundamental objectives:

- Draw a joint strategic plan for the consolidation and expansion of UENP’s international policy;

- Act as interlocutor between CRI and study centers in order to ensure the internationalization in different areas of expertise from the demands presented by the representatives of each Study Center;

- Assist in the dissemination of international projects calls and exchange programs;

- Capture suggestions and opinions of the UENP community regarding the development of the activities of CRI.


Composition method:

The CAINTER, to be appointed by order of the Rector, will be chaired by International Relations Coordinator and the following members:

Lecturer: one by center / campus, indicated by their center directors from the teachers' experience exchange activities and international academic cooperation. It is expected that the Committee is made up of teachers from different subjects. Total: ten (10).

Student graduation: one per campus, indicated by their peers and informed the campus director, preferably with experience in international mobility programs or have international academic experience. Total: three (03).

Students of post-graduate studies: a representative of the graduate programs in the strict sense, preferably with experience in international mobility programs or have international academic experience, nominated by their peers and by the coordinators of Programs and informed by one of the coordinators. Total: one (01).

University Agents: one for campus, preferably one with experience or who want to contribute to international mobility, indicated by the corresponding campus director.

Total: three (03).

All members should inform their respective alternates, who will be summoned by the absence of effective.


Representatives, deadlines and responsible for the indication:

Teachers - nominated by center directors until April 15, 2015;

Undergraduate students - selected by their peers / representatives and appointed by the campus director until April 15, 2015;

Student in the strict sense graduate - selected by their peers and indicated by one of the coordinators of the programs until April 15, 2015;

University officials - appointed by the campus director until April 15, 2015.


Current management - Term from March 22th, 2022 to March 21st, 2024

President: Prof. Dr. Fábio Henrique Rosa Senefonte


Jacarezinho Campus

Representatives Professors

Science and Health Center (Centro de Ciências da Saúde - CCS)

Titular Professor


Denis Carlos dos Santos


Docente Suplente


Tiago Del Antonio


Language and Literature, Communication and Art Center (Centro de Letras Comunicação e Artes - CLCA)

Titular Professor


Nerynei Meira Carneiro Bellini

Language and Literature

Substitute Professor


Fernanda de Cássia Miranda

Language and Literature

Applied Social Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - CCSA)

Titular Professor


Valter Foleto Santin


Titular Professor


Antonio José Saviani da Silva


Humanities and Education Center (Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação - CCHE)

Titular Professor


Jonis Jacks Nervis


Titular Professor


George Santiago Martin


University Agents

Titular Member– Fabiana Polican Ciena

Substitute Member - Francine Franini

Student Representative

Titular Member


Pietra Marcia Tavares de Queiroz

English and Portuguese Language and Literature


Cornélio Procópio Campus

Representative Professors

Humanities and Education Center (Centro de Ciências Humanas e da Educação  - CCHE)

Titular Professor


No indication

No indication

Substitute professor


No indication

No indication

Language and Literature, Communication and Art Center (Centro de Letras Comunicação e Artes - CLCA)

Titular Professor


Marilúcia dos Santos Domingos Striquer

Language and Literature

Substitute Professor


No indication

No indication

Apllied Social Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - CCSA)

Titular Professor


Letícia Fernandes Negreiros


Substitute Professor


No indication

No indication

University Agents

Titular Member - Eraildes Aparecida Weber

Substitute Member - Daniela Caetano Cabral Mônica

Student Representative

Titular Member


Maria Eduarda Capelin Strada Amorim Osinaga

English and Portuguese Language and Literature


Bandeirantes Campus

Professor Representatives

Agricultural Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Agrárias - CCA)

Titular Professor


Celmira Calderon

Veterinary Medicine

Substitute Professor


Mariza Fordelone Rosa Cruz

Veterinary Medicine

Biological Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Biológicas - CCB)

Titular Professor


Natália Maria Maciel Guerra Silva


1st Substitute Professor


Luis Eduardo Azevedo Marques Lescano

Biological Sciences

Technological Sciences Center (Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas - CCT)

Titular Professor


André Luís Andrade Menolli

Information Systems

Substitute Professor


Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro

Information Systems

University Agents

Titular Member - Jader Gustavo de Campos Santos

Substitute Member Thiago Ferreira de Aguiar

Student Representatives

Titular Member


Eduarda Satie Ishimatsu


Mayla Rodrigues Valadão Borges


Douglas Vitor de Azevedo
