III. Integration Meeting of UENP: Research, Internationalization, Education, Extension and Culture

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 16 March 2018 15:27

The meeting took place betwenn 3rd and 4th October at the Campus of Jacarezinho in order to integrate the university community and to get infromed about the institutional programs developed by UENP. The III. Integration Meeting unites traditional events such as the VII. Scientific Initiation Journey of UENP (JOIC – Jornada de Iniciação Científica), the III. Seminar of Extension and Culture of UENP (SEC - Seminário de Extensão e Cultura), the III. Internationalization Meeting and I. Seminar of Educatio of UENP. This way the meeting counted 470 registered participants, 450 workshop registrations, 222 scientific initiations, 64 extensions, 50 works of education and 15 of internationalization. The Center of International Relations (CRI) had an own station during the event to present all its programs for students interested in university language projects, like Paraná speaks English or the International Center of Languages of UENP and it also provided an opportunity to share experiences of students who have been already abroad on an exchange program.

Workshops were organized by the students throughout the event. Here we would like to mention a workshop by Patrícia Gasparini Spadaro of the Counsel of External Relations (AREX – Assessoria de Relações Externas) of UENP about the following topic: „Student’s role in public participation of research, education, extension and internationalization”, primary focus on internationalization. Patrícia showed examples of mobility documents, such as how to write a motivation letter or a common request. Furthermore, the III. Internationalization Meeting (ENINTER – Encontro de Internacionalização) took place on 4th October in the afternoon, an opportunity to present all kinds of works, programs concerning various topics. Those professors and students who participated already in an exchange program shared their experiences and the group of CRI (Center of International Relations) presented its important activities in internationalization, the role of coordination of UENP, Zicosur University Network (Integration Zone of Southwest and Central America – Zona de Integracion del Centro Oeste Sudamericano) and the International Center of Languages. The meeting was a place introducing the program Paraná speaks English and other videos about classes such as testimonies of students.

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