On 28th October, Prof. Dr. Eliane Segati Rios Registro, Coordinator of International Relations of UENP, participated in the UK Universities Fair 2017 in São Paulo, which was supported by the British Council. The fair was a meeting for 28 representatives of British universities, presenting their courses, admission and scholarship programs. The event organized lectures to give information about students’ life in the United States, about visas, proficiency examinations and about the UK Education System. To increase internationalization at the Fair, CRI contacted all the coordinators of the graduate and postgraduate degree at UENP to find potential partners among British universities.…
The Center of International Relations (CRI) submitted this proposal to the CAPES Program/Fulbright of English Teaching Assistant – ETA. The State University of the North of Paraná (UENP) is now receiving now English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) in 2018-2019. ETAs are US citizens, native speakers, all carefully selected according to the profile of each university by Fulbright, an American educational, cultural program, established to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other 150 countries, awarding scholarships for research and teaching by American citizens. The ETA program aims to contribute to English language teaching in the graduation course…
The Center of International Relations (CRI) of the State University of the North of Paraná (UENP), together with Nucli* of Languages without Borders (ISF – idiomas sem Fronteiras), starts language courses - besides the course called My English Online -, in English, Spanish and Portuguese as foreign language for all the university community (professors, students and university workers). Free courses can be attended in-class or online, lasting 16 hours. To participate in the course visit the following site: http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br/, than fill out the Placement Test available on platform My English Online (MEO) which will guide you to the most adequate…
The Rector, Prof. Fátima Aparecida da Cruz Padoan and the Coordinator of International Relations of UENP, Prof. Dr. Eliane Segati Rios Registro participated on 4th and 5th October at the Western Parana International Week in Foz do Iguaçu-PR organized by UNIOESTE. It was a meeting of 100 rectors, vice-rectors, pro-rectors and advisors of International Relations as well as 44 other representatives of institutions from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil to discuss policies and strategies of internationalization. The program was initiated by Prof. Leonardo R. Tessler, former president of FAUBAI (Fórum da Regional Sul da Associação Brasileira de Educação International…
The meeting took place betwenn 3rd and 4th October at the Campus of Jacarezinho in order to integrate the university community and to get infromed about the institutional programs developed by UENP. The III. Integration Meeting unites traditional events such as the VII. Scientific Initiation Journey of UENP (JOIC – Jornada de Iniciação Científica), the III. Seminar of Extension and Culture of UENP (SEC - Seminário de Extensão e Cultura), the III. Internationalization Meeting and I. Seminar of Educatio of UENP. This way the meeting counted 470 registered participants, 450 workshop registrations, 222 scientific initiations, 64 extensions, 50 works of…
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