Rector and Coordinator of International Relations of UENP participate in Western Parana International Week in Foz do Iguaçu

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 16 March 2018 15:28

The Rector, Prof. Fátima Aparecida da Cruz Padoan and the Coordinator of International Relations of UENP, Prof. Dr. Eliane Segati Rios Registro participated on 4th and 5th October at the Western Parana International Week in Foz do Iguaçu-PR organized by UNIOESTE. It was a meeting of 100 rectors, vice-rectors, pro-rectors and advisors of International Relations as well as 44 other representatives of institutions from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil to discuss policies and strategies of internationalization. The program was initiated by Prof. Leonardo R. Tessler, former president of FAUBAI (Fórum da Regional Sul da Associação Brasileira de Educação International – Brazilian Association of International Education), in order to discuss challenges and perspectives, to implement planning strategies and execute good practices for university internationalization on a wide scale. The Meeting for Internationalization’s State University Advisors of Paraná took place already on the first day led by Prof. Dr. Eliane Segati Rios Registro, Coordinator of the Internationalization Chamber of APIESP (Associação Paranaense das Instituições de Ensino Superior Público – Association of Public Higher Education Institutions of Paraná). It has been an opportunity to discuss questions concerning the Technical Chamber of Internationalization, as well as the partnership with ABRUEM/APIESP/FA*, the British Council, the program ‘Paraná speaks Languages’ and ‘Languages without Borders’, the partnership with the US consulate, the COIL and challenges as well demands of Zicosur University Network (Integration Zone of Southwest and Central America – Zona de Integracion del Centro Oeste Sudamericano).

On 5th day, the 6th edition of SIIES (Simpósio Internacional de Inovação em Educação Superior – International Symposium of Innovation in Higher Education) took place, where nine representatives of international offices of the state universities of Paraná, including the Center of International Relations of UENP, presented their strategies, ideas and activities of internationalization. On the same day the I. Meeting of International Advisors’ Group of ZICOSUR University Network was held, where the agenda for the II. Plenary Session of Rectors 2017 of ZICOSUR University Netwok has been discussed. The letter held on the next day formulated a new model of mobility that would facilitate the integration of higher education institutions. The Rector, Prof. Fátima Aparecida da Cruz Padoan, and the Coordinator of International Relations, Prof. Dr. Eliane Segati Rios Registro expressed their satisfaction of great conversations and how UENP was represented on an international level.

* ABRUEM: Associação Brasileira dos Reitores das Universidades Estaduais e Municipais – Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities; APIESP: Associação Paranaense das Instituições de Ensino Superior Público - Association of Public Higher Education Institutions of Paraná

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