UENP offers free language courses with the program ‘Languages without Borders’ for the whole university community.

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 16 March 2018 15:29

The Center of International Relations (CRI) of the State University of the North of Paraná (UENP), together with Nucli* of Languages without Borders (ISF – idiomas sem Fronteiras), starts language courses - besides the course called My English Online -, in English, Spanish and Portuguese as foreign language for all the university community (professors, students and university workers). Free courses can be attended in-class or online, lasting 16 hours. To participate in the course visit the following site: http://isfaluno.mec.gov.br/, than fill out the Placement Test available on platform My English Online (MEO) which will guide you to the most adequate course. Afterwards, those interested can apply for live courses as well. MEO course is divided into five levels with different deadlines to which participants have to pay attention not to get an expired password. At Cornélio Procópio Campus, we offer courses of English and Portuguese as foreign language. The classes start on 27/11. Registration for the English course takes place between 6th and 14th November. Registration for the Portuguese course takes place between 1st and 10th November. Spanish and English courses are at Jacarezinho Campus. For the former, registration is between 1st and 10th November. Classes start on 27/11. English course is offered at levels A2 and B1 (beginner, pre-intermediate), with written abstract, oral production such as academic interactions and proficiency examinations.

The Portuguese as foreign language course works with oral production and academic interactions. Spanish courses are also offered at level A2 (beginner/pre-intermediate), working with intercultural competences in academic context.

For more information about My English Online course: http://myenglishonline.com.br/  

For more information about in-class courses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; facebook.com/isfuenp; www.uenp.edu.br/cri


*NUCLI = nucleo de línguas - core of languages

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