In graduation courses, UENP offers 19 Lato Sensu (Wide Sense) and five Stricto Sensu (Strict Sense) courses*.
Its Master degree and PhD courses seek the academic excellence qualifying professionals with public spirit, commitment and a certain sensitivity towards social responsibilities. This entire process is supported by the teaching staff.
*Stricto Sensu (Strict Sense) Qualifications: Stricto sensu qualification encompasses the Mestrado (Masters), Mestrado Profissional (Professional Masters) and the Doutorado (Doctorate). Lato Sensu (Wide Sense) Qualifications: The Lato Sensu is also known as Specialisation courses and the courses are generally not accredited by Ministry of Education (MEC).
The Graduation Program in Legal Sciences (Master degree and PhD)
Coordinator: Dr. Fernando de Brito Alves
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Secretary: Bel. Maria Natalina da Costa
The Graduation Program in Legal Sciences (Master and PhD) at UENP performs research on Theories of Justice, Justice and Exclusion, State and Responsibility such as Critical Issues and Political Function of the Law. The main focus of the program is the interdisciplinary study of social exclusion seeking the stimulation of critical capacity to perceive the failures and distortions of Justice mechanisms and formal devices, in order to introduce cutouts, loopholes in dogmatic rigidity, sustained in the supremacy of the human dignity principle.
The Master Degree Program in Agronomy
Coordinator: Marco Antonio Gandolfo
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Secretary: Sônia Regina Torres Fronteli
The Master degree in Agronomy qualifies researchers in the specific area. It deals with the regional demand improving regional agricultural exploitation, enabling the professional to be capable of planning agricultural activities, considering the potential of natural resources and a better use of available techniques and technologies.
The Professional Master's Program in Language
Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Vanderléia da Silva Oliveira
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Secretary: Daniela Caetano Cabral Mônica
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PROFLETRAS program aims the education of Portuguese Language teachers in Elementary School, improving the quality of education in the country.
The Professional Master's Program in Teaching
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Lucken Bueno Lucas
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Vice-coordinator: Profa. Dra. Simone Luccas
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Secretary: Daniela Caetano Cabral Mônica
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The Professional Master's Program in Teaching is a course for classroom instruction, granting the title of Master in teaching. It is offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education at UENP (State University of the North of Paraná), Cornélio Procópio Campus.