Abruem* and British Council financing internationalization projects Featured

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 09 March 2018 11:56

The Technical Camara (CT) of Internationalization and Mobility of Abruem organized a meeting for the Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities and the British Council, being the British Council of Brazil, with its seat in São Paulo. The president of Abruem, Rector Aldo Nelson Bona (Unicentro – Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste); the president of CT, Rector Haroldo Reimer (UEG – Universidade Estadual de Goiás), Prof. Eliane Segati (UENP), also member of the CT of Internationalization of Abruem; and Martin Dowle and Diana Daste, respective Director of the British Council in Brazil and Senior Manager of Higher Education at the British Council.
„We discussed to build up a partnership between Abruem and the British Council to finance the projects of internationalization – for training internationalization teams of universities, internalization activities in education, research and proper extension”, reported Rector Haroldo Reimer after the meeting. The proposal has three phases. The first one should be accomplished between October and March 2018, returning to the management of training professionals, organizing seminars, workshops and webnars. The first phase includes training also for university managers, rectors, pro-rectors and directors of International Relations. The second phase aims to fortify linguistic policies resulting in better internationalization politics for mobility, events, shared disciplines among others. These activities will be realized in April and June next year. Finally, common projects of universities will take place in August 2018 and March 2019. All these internationalization projects by universities affiliated to Abruem are co-financed by the British Council. „The British Council provides half of the resources and the other half is given by the institutions interested.” The support by the British Council would mean approximately 100.000 pounds, which means 850, 900 thousand Brazilian reais. This amount is destined to finance projects submitted by the universities, with a maximum of 20.000 pounds by IES (Instituto de Ensino Superior – Institute for the International Education of Students), or around 90 thousand Brazilian reais. In return, the university would invest the same amount considered”, said Aldo Bona. The Technical Camara of Internationalization and Mobility of Abruem, is working now on the final proposal to be presented at the British Council. See report here
: http://www2.abruem.org.br/2017/08/02/19889/

* ABRUEM: Associação Brasileira dos Reitores das Universidades Estaduais e Municipais – Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities

Read 2397 times Last modified on Friday, 16 March 2018 15:36