Name: Eric Bortoletto Fontes. Degree: Law, 5th year. Origin: State University of the North of Paraná – CCSA/CJ. Destination: University of Porto. Period: 02/2017 until 07/2017. Type of Modality: Universia Santander. "This student exchange provided by UENP has been definitely the best opportunity I could get. I could summarize the six months living in Portugal as follows: attending one of the best universities in the world, travelling around the whole continent and making lots of friends. Apart from this, the cultural and academic development was enormous. The theoretical improvement in various legal materials such as the use of English and…
UENP, being an institution propagating knowledge, became more dynamic and available in all its aspects, especially in the internationalization and cultural sphere. The projects led by the Center of International Relations and the Pro-Rectory of Extension and Culture are prove of this change, forming an unprecedented accomplishment for this institution, namely: bringing the regional culture of the North of Paraná beyond borders, to Paraguay. As the director of culture, I was able to accompany and participate in the whole process of the Artistic-Cultural Incentive. A program for expanding one’s view of culture, knowledge on a regional such as international level,…
Name: Rafael Braz da paz Oliveira. Degree: Faculty of Arts in Portuguese and Spanish – 4th year. Origin: State University of the North of Paraná – CLCA/CJ. Destination: National University of Itapúa – Sede Encarnación. "First I would like to thank the group of UENP, as for Eliane Segatti, Coordinator of International Relations of CRI, as well as James Rios, Cultural Director of PROEC. These people helped and accompanied me from the first moment on until I’ve got back. I went to Encarnación, the district capital of Itapúa, Paraguay, together with the director and vice-director of PROEC and a second…
Lecture: "Entrepreneurship in Paraguay” Lecturer: Prof. Glayds Romero – UNI – National University of Itapuá "Positive and Negative Aspects of Economic Integration in Brazil – Mercosur”. Read more:
"Between the 22nd and 27th May 2016, the 21st Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court took place in Washington DC, at the American University. The Faculty of Law at UENP participated the 5th time in this international event where a trial is simulated by the Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court, an international organism empowered to judge the signatory countries of the Pact of San José of Costa Rica who have violated human rights. Rivals work with a hypothetical case, in which they represent a fictitious state and supposed victims in a trilingual debate relying on simultaneous translation. This year, the students…
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