International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics
ISSN(Online) : 2320 – 5121
URL : www.ijaim.org
Submissions open
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IJAIM is concerned with the concepts and techniques of Engineering and artificial intelligence needed for the design of machines with advanced intelligent behavior. It explores the topics of pattern recognition, neural networks, scheduling, reasoning, fuzzy logic, rule-based systems, machine learning, control and computer vision and so on.Mechatronics is the fusion of mechanics and electronics in the design of intelligent machines. Mechatronics forms a crucial part in integration of electronic engineering, electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, computer technology, control engineering, manufacture and maintenance of a wide range of engineering products and processes. Mechatronics has evolved into a way of life in engineering practice, and it pervades virtually every aspect of the modern world.
Publicações - Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics
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