
bandeira argentina

Universidade Nacional de Formosa

Validity: 5 years.

Period: 04/2023 to 04/2028

Aims: The institutions agree to promote the cooperation in mutual areas through the exchange including professors and research members team, exchange, university agents and students, educational projects implantation, research and extension together, organization of lectures and symposia, exchange of information and academic publications such as congresses, conferences, seminars and the promotion about educational and cultural activities to research members, university agents and students.


Universidade Nacional de Santiago del Estero

Validity: 5 years, automatically renewed

Period 11/2016 to 11/2027

Aims: Visits and professors and students exchanges, aiming the achievement of research, teaching and extension in the several academic areas and also in programs about university management; Coordination and participation in activities such as research projects, seminars, conferences, in short and long term common programs; Courses of different levels and species to the faculty and students; Mutual exchange about information from research results, academic material and publications.


Universidade Nacional de Tucumán

Validity: 5 years

Period: 11/2022 to 11/2027

Aims: The institutions agree to promote the cooperation in mutual areas through the exchange including professors and research members  team, exchange, university agents and students, educational projects implantation, research and extension together, organization of lectures and symposia, exchange of information and academic publications such as congresses, conferences, seminars and the promotion about educational and cultural  activities to research members, university agents and students. 


Universidade Nacional de Catamarca

Validity: 5 anos

Period: 09/2022 to 09/2027

Aims: The institutions agree to promote the cooperation in mutual areas through the exchange  including professors and research members  team, exchange, university agents and students, educational projects implantation, research and extension together, organization of lectures and symposia, exchange of information and academic publications such as congresses, conferences, seminars and the promotion about educational and cultural  activities to research members, university agents and students. 


Universidade Nacional da Patagônia San Juan Bosco

Validity: 5 years

Period: 07/2017 to 07/2022; Updated in 03/2023 to 03/2028

Aims: The activities will be primarily promote by the: Students’ exchange in undergraduate and graduate courses;  Collaboration between professors and researchers with regard to the  extension and research projects development Promotion of scientific events; Guidance and co-guidance  about master’s dissertations and doctoral thesis; and participation in examining boards; Bibliographic material exchange. 

Specific activities together, conditions to the use of the obtained results through these activities and organizations to visits, exchanges and other ways of cooperation will be developed mutually for each specific case through an Additional Term. 


Universidade Católica de Salta

Validity: 5 years with automatic renewal.

Period: 12/2016 to 12/2021; 12/2021 to 12/2026.

Aim: To establish  educational relations and cooperation between the two institutions which take part of the agreement, aiming to promote the creation of academic ties, and to expand the mutual comprehension about the involved countries culture; the exchange among students aims to allow the students enroll themselves in subjects from the host institution, and obtain credits to get the title in the original institution; the exchange between professors is to promote the collaborative investigation, enable curriculum collaborations and other educational developments, and encourage the mutual comprehension; and the goal of the exchanges between coordinators and other managerial areas is about the enrichment of the academic management inside the universities through methodologies and developed work experiences.


Universidade Nacional de Salta

Validity: 5 years with automatic renewal.

Period 07/2017 to 07/2022; 07/2022 to 07/2027.

AIm: To establish educational relations and cooperation among the institutions which take part of the agreement, aiming to promote the creation of academic ties, and to expand the mutual comprehension about the involved countries culture; the exchange among students aims to allow the students enroll themselves in subjects in the host institution, and obtain credits to get the title in the original institution; the exchange between professors is to promote the collaborative investigation, enable curriculum collaborations and other educational developments, and encourage the mutual comprehension; and the goal of the exchanges between coordinators and other managerial areas is about the enrichment of the academic and administrative management inside the universities through methodologies and developed work experiences.


Universidade Nacional de Jujuy

Validity: Undefined

Start of the term: 11/2017

Aim: To promote am academic cooperation between both the institutions, in mutual interest, through visits and exchange involving professors, students and administrative technicians about the referred institutions aiming the achievement of activities directed to the research, teaching, extension and university management group work constitution, formulation and development about projects and cooperation programs in the short, medium and long term;joint organization about academic, scientific and cultural events; different levels and categories courses technical consultancy; access facilitation to the informational and laboratory infrastructure about the respective institutions; information and academic, scientific and cultural publications exchange, professors and researchers mobility, shared courses and subjects.


Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Validity: 5 years

Start of the term: 10/2019 a 10/2024

Aim: Scientific, technological and cultural cooperation in common areas about the specialization; development and deepening about scientific and technological activities; exchange including professors and research team members, university agents and students, educational projects implantation, research and extension together, organization of lectures and symposia, exchange of information and academic publications such as congresses, conferences, seminars and the promotion about educational and cultural activities to research members, university agents and students.