
The Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) was formally established as an association of university leaders on November 27, 2008, during an unforgettable academic ceremony in the Main Hall of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.

The GCUB consists of national universities - federal, state, religious and community - recognizing the Coimbra institution like alma mater.

Its mission is to promote inter-institutional and international integration through teaching and student mobility programs, contributing to the sovereign internationalization process of the national university network with their foreign counterparts.

Through the prestigious University of Coimbra, the oldest of the Portuguese-speaking world, the integrase Group to the lineage of the arcane universities of the Western world, gathered in Coimbra Group of European universities, with which it maintains the bylaws scientific exchange links, educational and cultural . The most prestigious Brazilian universities nowadays make up the group of 50 founding institutions, with 37 federal universities (including the oldest institutions and larger) 06 state universities (including São Paulo State) and 07 Universities and Community Confessional (including major PUCs).

The GCUB welcomes more than one million students enrolled in undergraduate; Additionally, it includes almost all (98%) of sensoestrito postgraduate programs and consolidated research groups (94%) in the country.

It is the only organization of its kind that brings together, in a predominantly academic forum, the representative body of knowledge from institutions in Brazil can claim, legitimately, the históricoinstitucional status University.