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James Rios de Oliveira Santos – Encarnación (Paraguay)

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 16 March 2018 16:13

UENP, being an institution propagating knowledge, became more dynamic and available in all its aspects, especially in the internationalization and cultural sphere. The projects led by the Center of International Relations and the Pro-Rectory of Extension and Culture are prove of this change, forming an unprecedented accomplishment for this institution, namely: bringing the regional culture of the North of Paraná beyond borders, to Paraguay. As the director of culture, I was able to accompany and participate in the whole process of the Artistic-Cultural Incentive. A program for expanding one’s view of culture, knowledge on a regional such as international level, contributing to internationalization. With this project I had the opportunity to widen my cultural experiences starting with the contact of another nation (Paraguay), whose culture has a strong focus on national identity. It has been a period of intense academic activities during five days at the National University of Itapúa, with a wonderful hosting. In this institution we had the opportunity to participate at the „Expo Libro y Arte” event hosted by UNI, where we could get an access to artistic aspects. Furthermore, we developed institutional relations with their cultural managers, who welcomed all exchanges of experience. All in all, the travel to Encarnación has been a positive experience for both myself and the artists, who could present their works at the cultural exchange of arts and had a new experience of presenting their works in another country. I am more than grateful for the Center of International Relations of UENP, Prof. Eliane Segati and also for our Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture, Simone Castanho, who do not hesitated to help this quite important project for UENP.

Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
Criada pela Lei Estadual 15.300/2006 – Autorizada pelo Decreto Estadual no 3909/2008 - CNPJ 08.885.100/0001-54
Av. Getúlio Vargas, 850, CEP 86400-000 Jacarezinho - Paraná - Brasil
Fone/Fax: +55 (43) 3525-3589 –