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Rafael Braz da Paz Oliveira – Outbound Students – Encarnación (Paraguay)

Written by  Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais Friday, 16 March 2018 16:12

Name: Rafael Braz da paz Oliveira. Degree: Faculty of Arts in Portuguese and Spanish – 4th year. Origin: State University of the North of Paraná – CLCA/CJ. Destination: National University of Itapúa – Sede Encarnación. "First I would like to thank the group of UENP, as for Eliane Segatti, Coordinator of International Relations of CRI, as well as James Rios, Cultural Director of PROEC. These people helped and accompanied me from the first moment on until I’ve got back. I went to Encarnación, the district capital of Itapúa, Paraguay, together with the director and vice-director of PROEC and a second student, Beatriz Silva from the same faculty. We were selected for this project that aimed bringing regional art works from the North of Paraná to an international event called ExpoLibro at UNI (Natioanl University of Itapúa). The project has been supported by ZICOSUR (Integration Zone of Southwest and Central America – Zona de Integracion del Centro Oeste Sudamericano), which brings great advances concerning internationalization at UENP.
The ExpoLibro took place between the 30th and 31st May, 1st and 2nd June, where besides presenting our community, customs and university, could also get to know the same aspects of Paraguay. We attended different cultural and academic presentations, met deans and rectors of various centers, mainly from the area of Scientific Humanities, and were introduced to projects that were already completed in UNI.

I spent some time already in Colombia, so now I could experience a bit the Paraguayan regionalism, making inferences and comparisons on both formal and informal level, use of slang and mainly, I had the opportunity for the first time in my life to see Guarani. Encarnación gave us the identity of a national country, proud of its history, patriots who wear their country’s colors every time they can (we have seen many squares with trees and other ornaments all decorated in their colors). Returning to UNI, we got to know the Coral, Bailado, the Theater, the University orchestra and students’ art work. Speaking of dedication and access to culture it was unavoidable not to compare all that with our university to see how much we need to develop, as academics and individuals, citizens and natives of the country, as defenders of our national culture. The projects were realized by students studying at different faculties, both students at the beginning of their studies and students already graduating. This way the works are highly interdisciplinary, discussions take place in a wide range finding common goals, studies are deepened and facilitated.
I would like to thank for all, the rector, dean, coordinators, directors of UNI (National University of Itapúa), who hosted us in the best hotels helping in every moment showing the most beautiful sights of Encarnación and the nationalism of Paraguay. Thank you very much!"

Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
Criada pela Lei Estadual 15.300/2006 – Autorizada pelo Decreto Estadual no 3909/2008 - CNPJ 08.885.100/0001-54
Av. Getúlio Vargas, 850, CEP 86400-000 Jacarezinho - Paraná - Brasil
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